Author: The Triple Cripples

  • The Triple Cripples Are #Merky Books Superheroes

    The Triple Cripples Are #Merky Books Superheroes

    The #Merky Books Superheroes Announcement It was announced recently that The Triple Cripples would feature in #Merky Books’ Superheroes. Superheroes is an illustrated book that highlights and celebrates over 50 iconic Black and Asian British people. It is an honour and pleasure to have been asked to be included in the upcoming book. To be…

  • We Are Centenary Action Group’s ‘Activists In Residence’

    We Are Centenary Action Group’s ‘Activists In Residence’

    Activists in Residence, if someone had asked what that meant at the beginning of the year, we would have no clue. Fast forward half a year and that is now one of our roles.   Activists In Residence A few months ago, two people reached out to us about an opportunity that had come up…

  • What Disability Pride Month Means To The Triple Cripples

    What Disability Pride Month Means To The Triple Cripples

    July is ‘Disability Pride Month’. For most, disabled or otherwise, this is the first time that they are learning about such a celebration. Disability Pride Month A quick Google search shows that disability pride has been celebrated on and off in the US since the 1990s. Parades and events dedicated to celebrating disability in all…

  • The Triple Cripples’ Thoughts On The White Wheelchair User In The Minneapolis Uprising

    The Triple Cripples’ Thoughts On The White Wheelchair User In The Minneapolis Uprising

    Videos of a white wheelchair user during the Minneapolis Uprising, have been circulating the internet. Different angles show the wheelchair user, apparently called ‘Jennifer’, at the door of a Target store. Other people in the videos can be heard saying, “She’s stabbing people.” Now, this right here is not the narrative we hear about disability,…

  • Triple Cripples At WOW Festival

    Triple Cripples At WOW Festival

    The Triple Cripples were honoured to be a part of WOW Festival (Women of the World) at the WOW Foundation’s 10th anniversary of the event. Even though it was just over 2 months ago, the impact of the Coronavirus means that it feels even longer than that. But the enormous and important work done by…

  • The Triple Cripples Turns Two

    The Triple Cripples Turns Two

    The Triple Cripples platform turns two years old today. It feels weird to realise that our whirlwind journey only began a short 24 months ago. Depending on which of the baby girls you ask, it either has a cute or a lightly “stalkerish” beginning. The Triple Cripples Project The baby girl Jumoke had noticed Kym…

  • In The Margins: Dating Apps During #Covid19

    In The Margins: Dating Apps During #Covid19

    Look who slid into The Margins… Ahh! How the tables have turned. Suddenly the stone that the builder refused, seems to look more and more like a masterpiece, eh? Suddenly the crips you dipped on, seem like they might be “interesting to talk to”. You scramble

  • Coping with COVID-19: Coronavirus & Disability

    Coping with COVID-19: Coronavirus & Disability

    Coronavirus and disability aren’t two words that we’d ever thought of in relation to one another. Until recently, most people had never heard of Coronavirus. Things have been changing at alarming speeds, we’re living in very strange times. The new normal keeps altering day by day. Even trying to set up a routine seems ridiculous.…

  • The Triple Cripples Are Going To Ghana!

    The Triple Cripples Are Going To Ghana!

    The Triple Cripples baby girls are coming to Ghana in November 2019! The dynamic duo Kym Oliver & Jumoke Abdullahi are bringing their groundbreaking message to West Africa.